Camera Pen

Ever wanted to do a little Sleuthing? The "Camera Pen" is the Super Cool Sherlock Hones Spy Camera In Pen that Records Videos On The Sly!
Camera PenThe Cam Pen is an excellent sleuthing spy gadget that Can you think of a few ideas of what you might want to snap a photo or record a video clip of? Fascinating to think about because there are so many things to look into and perhaps investigate a little bit more.
Spy cam penThis cool compact camera pen produces impressive HD videos and Hi-Res photos easily and cleverly concealed inside a professional looking and functional ballpoint pen.

The Spy Cam Pen is an innovative all-ages spy gear gadget that is perfect for all spy-enthusiasts regardless of their age or technical proficiency. The easy to use How To Step-by-Step Instruction Manual (PDF) make this hidden camera in a pen a snap to learn and master for all your sleuthing missions.

The new Sherlock Hones PenCam is taking audiences by storm!